March Book Haul

So it looks like a post that I only planned to do once in January is becoming a bit of a habit. I just can't stop buying books and to be honest with you I don't want to stop. Books are awesome. So here are the books I have collected this month! (FYI this post... Continue Reading →

Finding Motivation to Write

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk about finding motivation to write, how difficult or easy it can be day to day. On a good day I might be able to write a fair bit, maybe even a couple thousand words on a weekend. It can be anything that motivates me; a dream, a... Continue Reading →

Book Review: What If? by Abbey MacMunn

Hello everyone! Today I am reviewing an ARC copy of What If? by Abbey MacMunn, a collection of short stories each focusing on a different mythological creature; vampires, mermaids and ghosts included. What If? is the first collection of short stories in a series and is due to be published on 3rd April 2018. Important... Continue Reading →

My Writing Life: 1st Draft vs 2nd Draft

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk about drafting. I am currently on the second draft of my novel The Revelation Academy and I have noticed quite a few differences between my experience of writing them. The first draft was written during NaNoWriMo last year, I wrote the whole 50,000 words of the first draft in... Continue Reading →

February Book Haul

Hello everyone, happy Sunday! Last month I posted a list of books I had bought, as there had been so many I wanted to showcase them! Well I wasn't expecting to post about a haul again, but then I went and bought a lot of books again! So here is my February book haul!  ... Continue Reading →

I’m On Bloglovin’!

Hi everyone! Just a quick post this morning. I have signed up to Bloglovin' so if you want to check out my profile on there click here! Who else is on Bloglovin'? And just so I can claim this blog on the site I need to post this -> <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Camp NaNoWriMo Is Coming!

Hello everyone. Yes, it's true! Camp NaNoWriMo is coming! Now some of you might have been reading in November last year when I posted about NaNoWriMo and what I was writing. But for those new people out there (who might not know about NaNoWriMo) here is a quick overview. What on earth is NaNoWriMo? And... Continue Reading →

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