NaNoWriMo Update – Day 30 – I Won!

Morning all! Today is a great day (although it is a little frozen!), I reached 50,000 words last night and am now a NaNoWriMo winner! True my novel isn't finished yet, that shall hopefully be finished by the end of today. But this is a big thing for me, I have never written so much... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo Update – Day 25

Hello everyone! Again I must apologise for not posting in a while, I have been writing a fair amount. My word count is currently at 37,248, a little behind but I will be spending the majority of tomorrow getting back on track. I fully plan to be well over 40,000 by the end of the... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo Day 15

So I haven't posted in a while so apologies for that. My only excuse is I have been busy writing! My current word count is 19,245 words and those are hard fought. My first day was something of a fluke as I haven't got close to that daily word count since.  In that 19k word... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo Day #1

We are getting to the end of Day 1 of NaNoWriMo, and what a productive day its been! Personally I have written over 6,000 words (meaning three chapters of The Revelation Academy), and my home region has written over 45,000 together. I'm starting to slow down now, my hands are aching and I am tired!... Continue Reading →

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