About me

Hello everyone!

I thought it was about time I actually let you know who I am, seeing as this blog has been up and running for a while now!

My name is Jenna and I am a girl trying to become a full-time writer. In the meantime I am working for Local Government and writing in whatever spare time I find.  I fully plan to take this blog full time and start posting on a more regular basis.

I love to read (hence the book reviews), mostly fantasy but I also love sci-fi and romance. I have always dreamed about writing an epic, I have one planned and partially mapped out but I currently lack the energy to start writing it. For the moment I am working on redrafting my current fantasy book The Revelation Academy and I hope to start looking into publishing it later this year. I also have a series being published on Channillo, which is updated on the 21st of each month.

I have also set up a freelancing business, which I hope will eventually support me at least part-time. Please see my page Freelancing Work for more details.

But until my name is in book shop windows this is me!

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