BOOK REVEAL: The Sequel to Anna Undreaming by Thomas Welsh

Today I have something very exciting to share with you all, a look at the sequel to Anna Undreaming by Thomas Welsh. I reviewed Anna Undreaming several months ago, you can read it here. Now I was meant to share this with you on Monday, but unfortunately life got in the way and it’s four days late. But here it is!


Broken, beaten, and exiled to the Sump, Anna has battled her way back to reality, but she returns to find her friends scattered and her enemies have grown in strength and number. Though she’s learned that in the world of Dreamers, sometimes the darkness is just a different type of light, she still hasn’t found her way out. And just like in nightmares, every time she runs away, the monsters lie in wait ahead.

Anna’s only hope for survival lies with new friends and a desperate plan to walk the Moonlight Road—a ghostly passage of frozen moonlight through worlds she can never touch—straight into the arms of the most dangerous Dreamer alive.

But no one, neither friend nor enemy, is prepared for the power Anna now wields. Her flame has kindled, and when they threaten those she loves, she’ll burn them to the ground.

Anna and the Moonlight Road is book two of The Metiks Fade trilogy.

anna and the moonlight road
This is a placeholder cover and the official cover will be revealed later on. 

I honestly can’t wait for this instalment to come out next year, I loved Anna Undreaming and I want to know what happens next. I’m hoping to get an advanced copy to review for you all, maybe early next year, I’m not sure when they will be sent out.

So what do you think about the synopsis and cover? Are you as excited as I am for this book to come out? Let me know down below!


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